With a Book, Together: Book Talks in a Virtual Company
reading, social reading, reading groups, book clubs, social networks for readers, reading apps, bookstagram, amateur criticismAbstract
The paper is conceived as an interchange of relevant theoretical and scientific insights into the various aspects of social reading, including recent qualitative and quantitative analyses of online evidence of ordinary and daily uses of books and readings (e. g. bookstagrams, Goodreads reviews, tags or “shelves”, lists, and ratings), as well as selected reading practices in virtual groups or communities, represented by three interlocutors whose practices of social reading and purposes differ significantly, both from each other and from mainstream models. Starting from the social (socializing, mutual, and sociable) dimensions of reading, the paper aims to demonstrate a range of possible collective uses of individual and group readings supported/extended by the new digital technologies. These enabled the expansion of many interesting transmedia models of expressing, sharing, and exchanging reading experiences and personal, often affective impressions among a huge number of readers differing in their characteristics, as well as in their interests and aspirations. The aforementioned interlocutors reflected on their own experiences and activities in online reading environments and thus contributed to this polyphonic and collaborative reading of reading.
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