The Role of University Libraries in the Implementation and Dissemination of the Citizen Science Concept


  • Nataša D. Dakić University Library “Svetozar Marković”, Belgrade
  • Aleksandra S. Trtovac University Library “Svetozar Marković”, Belgrade
  • Dragana Z. Janković University Library “Svetozar Marković”, Belgrade



citizen science, open science, academic libraries, CeOS_SE Project, University Library “Svetozar Marković”


Citizen science is based on research conducted by amateur scientists. The concept of citizen science has existed for several centuries but was defined only in the 1990s. Wider implementation of the concept among different categories of citizens was enabled by making a clear definition, formulating the principles of citizen science, as well as by development of the internet and information technology. Libraries bring together citizens who share different interests, so they are suitable places to spread the concept of citizen science. Academic libraries are highly positioned in this process ‒ on the one hand, they enable connection with the scientific community, projects, and research, and on the other, the education of librarians and citizens about the concept of citizen science. University Library “Svetozar Marković” has gained experience and knowledge in the domain of open science through its own citizen science projects. Therefore, by participating in the CeOS SE Project, the University Library has become a hub for the education of librarians from the Western Balkans, also giving them support in the implementation of activities and knowledge in the domain of citizen science.


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How to Cite

Dakić, N., Trtovac, A., & Janković, D. (2023). The Role of University Libraries in the Implementation and Dissemination of the Citizen Science Concept. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 65(1), 39–52.