Women’s Libraries


  • Danica Savić University Library in Kragujevac




women’s libraries, library collections, women’s history, suffrage movement, feminism


The establishment of women’s libraries was historically conditioned by the suffrage movement. The holdings of these libraries represent valuable evidence of women’s everyday life, activism, creativity, and scientific and artistic achievements. Most often created within women's associations, some of these libraries are today unique public libraries in their countries with the status of national property. The aim of this paper is to chronologically present the establishment and holdings of some of the most important women’s libraries in the world – the Francesca Bonnemaison Library, Women's Library in London, Marguerite Durand Library, Italian Women’s Library, Jessie Street National Women’s Library, Women’s Library and Information Centre Foundation, Glasgow Women's Library, Free Black Women's Library, and Feminist Library in Beirut. Finally, the paper gives an overview of the Library of the Center for Women’s Studies in Belgrade, as well as its initiative in the formation of the Network of Women’s Libraries in Serbia.


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How to Cite

Savić, D. (2022). Women’s Libraries. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 64(2), 105–120. https://doi.org/10.18485/bibliotekar.2022.64.2.6