Public Libraries and Their Activities in the Time of Pandemic Crisis


  • Ana Janković Public Library Bor



public library, pandemic, library resources, users’ habits, online services


The paper explores activities of public libraries under changed conditions caused by the official announcement of the infectious disease COVID-19 pandemic, paying special attention to the work of the Public Library Bor during the lockdown and afterwards. Public libraries worldwide had to find a way to continue their work and to overcome fears, confronting contradictory information, as well as to make, often alone, hard decisions of what services to offer and how to deliver materials to users. Libraries were deciding on options ranging from minimal restrictions to the total lockdown. On the other hand, library users had to turn to online sources of information and services in order to satisfy their needs and interests, so that the paper also explores the effects of these new working conditions on the usage of digitized materials and virtual library services. The conclusion is that libraries should carefully evaluate their possibilities and resources, adjusting their services and programs to what people need the most. As the course of the pandemic is constantly changing, libraries need to focus on improving their virtual offers and finding the way to do so with minimum and tolerable expenses, having in mind that many public libraries in Serbia have already faced budget reductions and cuttings.


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How to Cite

Janković, A. . (2022). Public Libraries and Their Activities in the Time of Pandemic Crisis. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 62(2), 57–72.