Creative Bibliotherapy in a School Library


  • Slađana Galuška Primary School “Sveti Sava”, Belgrade


Ključne reči:

creative bibliotherapy, school librarian, school library, reading, creativity, Sveti Sava Primary School


The paper considers the term bibliotherapy from the librarian’s point of view, possibilities for using bibliotherapy in the classroom concerning education aims and the school librarian’s role in activities with children based on creative bibliotherapy.

Activities of the school librarian in Sveti Sava Primary School in Belgrade are presented through tolerance workshop with a storybook Riba ribi grize rep and projects based on two novels − Moj deka je bio trešnja (My Grandfather Was a Cherry Tree) and Orlovi rano lete (Eagles Fly Early). The author wonders why there are only a few papers about using bibliotherapy in Serbian schools. One of the possible reasons lies in the fact that school librarians realize numerous activities with children based on reading and literary interpretation, but they are not recognized as bibliotherapy. In conclusion, teachers and school librarians should remind themselves of all bibliotherapy activities they have done, write about them and present them in public.


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