The Representative Romanian Journals in the Field of Library and Information Sciences
DOI:čne reči:
library and information science, scientific and academic journals (România), periodical publicationsApstrakt
The Journals (Serial publications) in any scientific field differ from other types of scientific publications (e.g. monographs) by the fact that they disseminate very quickly news, ideas, innovations, professional and scientific literature, in general; due to their predetermined and ongoing appearance, new issues are, usually, awaited for with great interest. Reviews that get to appear for several decades become true panoramas of the scientific field they represent. In this article, the authors present the most important current Romanian journals in the field of library: one of the most long-lasting and best known is Biblioteca ['The Library' Review], which has appeared for 70 uninterrupted years, just like its Serbian counterpart Bibliotekar [Librarian] – is this fate or just part of a similar process of development of the profession of librarian!? To both reviews: “Vivat, crescat, floreat”!
Informare și Documentare: activități științifice și profesionale. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Biblioteca. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Bibliotecii Academiei Române. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Bibliotecii Naționale a României (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Română de Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării [RRBSI]. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Română de Conservare și restaurare a Cărții. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Revista Română de istorie a Cărții. (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Studii de Biblioteconomie și Știința Informării. . (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
Tîrziman, Elena and Maria Micle. “Revista Biblioteca [“The Library” Review]: 1948-2018 – A Landmark in the Professional Community of Romanian Librarians”. In Book Power in Communication, Sociology and Technology, ed. Angela Repanovici et all, 143-151. Budapest: Trivent, 2018. ISBN 978-615-80996-5-3 (eBook).,%20Maria%20Micle.pdf (Accessed at 1. 10. 2018).
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Sva prava zadržana (c) 2022 The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship

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