The Book Collection of Milan Jovanović Batut (1847–1940) in the Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (The SASA Library)


  • Biljana Jocić The Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Belgrade



The Serbian academy of sciences and arts, library collection, Milan Jovanović Batut, special book collections, The SASA Library, the SASA Archives


The paper provides insight into the content of personal book collection once belonging to Milan Jovanović Batut (1847–1940), a medical doctor and university professor, prolific author and national enlightener regarding public health and hygiene issues. The collection has been a part of the SASA Library holdings since 1947 when it was donated by the Committee on Public Health Protection of Serbia. The collection counts 2137 monographs and 160 periodicals in medicine and related sciences. It is entirely available at the Co-operative online bibliographic system (COBISS). A general overview of printed materials in Batut’s fund at the SASA Archives is also provided in the paper.



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How to Cite

Jocić, B. (2024). The Book Collection of Milan Jovanović Batut (1847–1940) in the Library of the Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts (The SASA Library). The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 66(1), 127–139.