Open Source Software for Digital Repositories With Focus on EPrints


  • Jelena Banović Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade
  • Aleksandra Bradić-Martinović Institute of Economic Sciences, Belgrade



open source software, digital repositories, EPrints


Digital repositories are essential to the preservation, distribution, and organisation of scholarly and cultural resources in the information age. As a result, there is a notable increase in the need for effective and useful software solutions for repository creation and management. In this situation, the demand for adaptable and user-friendly tools that permit repository development and operation without reliance on proprietary solutions gives rise to open source software. The basic features of open source software are discussed in this study in relation to the creation of digital repositories, and their application is examined with an emphasis on the evaluation and application of the EPrints software. The main characteristics and capabilities of one of the most well-liked and extensively used platforms for building digital repositories are examined in this study.



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How to Cite

Banović, J., & Bradić-Martinović, A. (2024). Open Source Software for Digital Repositories With Focus on EPrints. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 66(1), 99–111.