Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ‒ Abuses and Problems


  • Milan Z. Marinović Commissioner for Information of Public Importance and Personal Data Protection, Belgrade



Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance, right to access information of public importance, Commissioner, abuse of rights, Administrative Court, amendments to the Law


This paper analyzes the current situation in the field of access to information of public importance in Serbia. The introductory part of the paper shows the development of the right to free access to information throughout history, with a special focus on current issues in the application of this right. The central theme of the paper is the systemic abuse of the right to free access to information of public importance, which has been present for the last two years, with a growing tendency. How the abuse occurs and its causes are presented, together with the proposals for measures that should be implemented to prevent the continuation of the abuse and eliminate the future harmful consequences of such negligent behaviour of individual citizens and their lawyers.


„Ustav Republike Srbije”. Službeni glasnik RS br. 98 (2006). (na ćirilici)

„Zakon o slobodnom pristupu informacijama od javnog značaja”. Službeni glasnik RS br. 120 (2004), br. 54 (2007), br. 104 (2009), br. 36 (2010) i br. 105 (2021). (na ćirilici)



How to Cite

Marinović, M. (2024). Law on Free Access to Information of Public Importance ‒ Abuses and Problems. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 66(1), 63–72.