Green Libraries and Challenges of Sustainable Development In Library’s Praxis – Examples of Good Practices in Pozega Public Library


  • Daniela Skoković Požega Public Library, Požega



green libraries, sustainable libraries, environmental literacy, green agenda, sustainability, green practices in libraries


The paper deals with the analysis of the existing multidisciplinary role of libraries and library practice related to the important topics of sustainable development and the green agenda. In the first part of the paper, the terms green library and sustainable library are more closely defined in their dual context of libraries as buildings and services within the new framework of environmental literacy. In the second part of the paper, the focus is on a brief presentation of library initiatives and examples of good practice. Three separate programmes of the praxis in Požega Public Library present how a small public library, without adequate prerequisites and stable funding, can take significant steps in promoting green ideas and confirm its role as a leader and reliable partner in its local community and beyond.


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How to Cite

Skoković, D. (2024). Green Libraries and Challenges of Sustainable Development In Library’s Praxis – Examples of Good Practices in Pozega Public Library. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 66(1), 9–23.