Social Reading as a Contemporary Communicative Practice


  • Tamara Vučenović Metropolitan University Faculty of Management, Belgrade



social reading, social reading platforms, communications, internet


Reading 2.0 and the Lonely Reader, the new concepts that will help us better understand the idea of social reading in contemporary media environments, are taken as a starting point for the research. The definitions of the term social reading are given and the importance of this term used in the paper is pointed out, as well as the communication aspect that is very important for understanding the digital context of the various activities related to the reading and books. Also, this paper presents the selected platforms and tools that enable the incorporation of technologies in the reading processes, sharing, analyzing, and recommending of books, as well as the recent trends in this area. In the final part of the paper, future trends and research in social reading are briefly pointed out.


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How to Cite

Vučenović, T. (2022). Social Reading as a Contemporary Communicative Practice. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 64(1), 39–57.