Significance of Legacies and Library Collections at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology and Problems of Their Classification
archive, Faculty of Orthodox Theology, legacy, library collection, classificationAbstract
This paper is a result of research and systematic recording of legacies and library collections at the Faculty of Orthodox Theology of the University of Belgrade. Bearing in mind that the legislature of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology is one century old, like its Library (1920–2020), it was necessary to research the archival material and present the acquired knowledge about these collections. Teaching dossiers, minutes kept during the Faculty Council meetings kept in the archives of the Faculty of Orthodox Theology (APBF), and conversations with the witness from the time of taking over certain collections, are all invaluable sources of information about donors, their libraries, and the way they donate them to the Faculty. As already mentioned, in addition to the authors' efforts to present the knowledge and experiences gained during the research of the collections, their intention is also to show what has already been done and what are the plans regarding the presentation of the content of personal libraries and their values.
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