Organization and Challenges in the Work of the Public Library “Stefan PrvovenčAni” in Kraljevo During the Pandemic


  • Jelena М. Andrić Public Library "Stefan Prvovenčani", Kraljevo
  • Danka Z. Spasojević Public Library "Stefan Prvovenčani", Kraljevo



library, management, pandemic, digital platforms, online workshops, social media


This paper presents how the activities of the Library were reorganized, in the changed conditions caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Challenges that librarians have been faced with, in the context of communication based mainly on the application of digital technologies, are also presented. The specifics of the users’ perception of the changed book lending regime are pointed out. The paper gives the models of using digital platforms in designing the promotional, program, and workshop activities of the Library, due to restrictions of gatherings on the premises. The intention is to locate weak points, manifested in specific circumstances, in order to apply the acquired experience in revising goals and planning future development.


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How to Cite

Andrić, J. ., & Spasojević, D. . (2022). Organization and Challenges in the Work of the Public Library “Stefan PrvovenčAni” in Kraljevo During the Pandemic. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 62(2), 85–96.