mCOBISS — Anywhere and Anytime


  • Renata Zadravec Pešec IZUM – Institute of Information Science Maribor
  • Boštjan Batič IZUM – Institute of Information Science Maribor



mCOBISS, COBISS, mobile apps, IOS, Android, COBISS


The mCOBISS mobile app was created for different types of mobile devices that run on Android or iOS operating systems. The paper presents the beginnings of app development, the different versions and software updates, statistical data on the current use and our plans for the future. The link to COBISS+ and other modules within the COBISS system is presented along with the app functionality that provides an excellent user experience. One uniform mCOBISS app for all COBISS.XX systems was created in 2019 and sped up and simplified the development, maintenance and distribution. In all countries, the mCOBISS app already runs on Android mobile devices, whereas it is planned in mid-2020 to make it accessible also to all iOS devices.


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How to Cite

Zadravec Pešec, R., & Batič, B. (2022). mCOBISS — Anywhere and Anytime. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 62(1), 29–50.