Together We Are Building the Most Beautiful Place for Growing Up

Experiences of NIš Library Children’s Department Working With Non-governmental Organizations


  • Saša Luković Vasilјević Public Library “Stevan Sremac”, Niš



working with children, cartoon workshop, Children’s Department, cooperation, programs for children, “Read to me, talk to me…”


Most of the educational and creative programs of Children’s Department of the Public Library “Stevan Sremac” in Niš in the last two decades have been realized thanks to great cooperation of this institution with the non-governmental sector and individual volunteers with enormous enthusiasm and love for children. Among many workshops and programs accomplished in this way, this paper presents only two by which the Children’s Department is recognizable: Cartoon workshop intended for children aged ten years or older, and a program for children aged five years or younger called “Read to me, talk to me…”. A decade of cooperation between the “Niš house of books”, the Association ANIMA Niš, and the Animated Film Studio 98 enabled the existence of Cartoon workshop. Several hundred children went through this workshop and learned the basics of animation and successfully made their first cartoon. Some of them were even influenced by this workshop in choosing their careers. It is extremely important that babies and young children grow up reading books and have a pleasant, joyful, and inspiring first experience and encounter with the library, which is the exact goal of one of the most popular programs of the Children’s Department “Read to me, talk to me…”. This program has been organized with a huge help of members (more than a thousand) of a Facebook group “Ćaskaliste za mame iz Niša” (Chat room for moms from Niš). This activity has attracted a large number of not just moms from “Ćaskalište”, but also creative teachers, so the meetings with children have become even more interesting, unusual, and amusing. The number of members under the age of five has doubled, and each of them will remember this library as a safe and enjoyable place to grow up.


IFLA/UNESCO Public Library Manifesto (Serbian translation). UNESCO Public Library Manifesto (preuzeto 10. 1. 2019).

Luković Vasiljević, Saša. „Širom otvorenih vrata: sistem javnih biblioteka Hjustona”. Čitalište god. 15, br. 28 (2016): 43–50. (na ćirilici)

Matijević, Milica i Elizabeta Georgiev. Kultura čitanja: pravo deteta i obaveza bibliotekara. Lazarevac: Biblioteka „Dimitrije Tucović”, 2014. (na ćirilici)

Radionice-SCF98, (preuzeto 25. 7. 2019).



How to Cite

Luković Vasilјević S. (2022). Together We Are Building the Most Beautiful Place for Growing Up: Experiences of NIš Library Children’s Department Working With Non-governmental Organizations. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 61(2), 79–88.