Acquisition Policy of the Novi Sad City Library: Оbjectives, Quantitative and Qualitative Criteria, Legal Regulations, and Forms of Acquisition


  • Danijela D. Dobretić Novi Sad City Library
  • Аndrej S. Radulović Novi Sad City Library



acquisition policy, quantitative and qualitative criteria, book acquisition, Novi Sad City Library


The paper discusses the problem of book acquisition in public libraries, with a special emphasis on the book acquisition in the Novi Sad City Library and the models how this important segment of the library operations is realized, starting from the goals of the acquisition policy, qualitative and quantitative criteria of acquisition, as well as legal regulations, guidelines, and standards that we rely on as professionals. The acquisition policy is analyzed in relation to the age structure of the population of Novi Sad, as well as the share of the population with membership in the Novi Sad City Library. Finally, legal regulations and forms of acquisition at the Library are presented, and the attention is drawn to certain problems that librarians face and how to overcome them.


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How to Cite

Dobretić, D., & Radulović А. (2022). Acquisition Policy of the Novi Sad City Library: Оbjectives, Quantitative and Qualitative Criteria, Legal Regulations, and Forms of Acquisition. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 61(1), 67–83.