DОRA: San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment in Light of Open Science


  • Marija M. Gordić Kragujevac University Library
  • Vesna Z. Abadić Kragujevac University Library




Journal Impact Factor, science citation databases, DORA, Plan S


The paradigm of open science in a modern academic society includes changes in the entire scientific research process, from the open access to data and open reviews, to access to scientific papers. Due to the fact that it is necessary to change the evaluation of scientific research, and that the scientific metrics is often abused or misinterpreted, especially the Journal Impact Factor, several declarations were launched on a global level in order to take the common stance of all participants in the evaluation of scientific results. One of the first declarations, DORA (Declaration on Research Assessment), was constituted more than five years ago. Every year, the number of institutions and individuals joining/signing the Declaration is rising, and the tendency of relieving the science from the burden of commercial publishers and becoming truly open makes it more actual.


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How to Cite

Gordić, M., & Abadić, V. (2022). DОRA: San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment in Light of Open Science. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 61(1), 23–35. https://doi.org/10.18485/bibliotekar.2019.61.1.2