Razvitak, Journal of Literature and Culture
journal Razvitak, Petar Kočić, Bosanska Krajina, annexation of Bosnia, Mlada Bosna (Young Bosnia), Branko Čubrilović, Jovo Zubović, Božo Bulatović, Miodrag M. VulinAbstract
The basis for launching the journal Razvitak (Development) was the historical and cultural situation at that time in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Bosanska Krajina. The entire period of publication of the journal of literature and culture Razvitak is divided into four periods, with a large time distance (1910, 1935-1941, 1972-1975, 1999). This paper intends to give a modest contribution to the development of science and the preservation of Serbian periodicals, to show its importance in the spread of literacy, culture, and the preservation of cultural tradition, all thanks to the enthusiasts who unselfishly worked on the foundation of our cultural identity.
Milanović, Branko. „Književna nastojanja u Banjoj Luci između dva rata”. U Banja Luka u novijoj istoriji (1978–1945): zbornik radova s naučnog skupa održanog u Banjoj Luci od 18. до 20. novembra 1976. godine, 550–559. Sarajevo: Institut za istoriju, 1976.
Razvitak god. 1, br. 1 (1910) (na ćirilici).
Razvitak god. 2, br. 1 (1935) – god. 2, br. 8 (1941) (na ćirilici).
Razvitak god. 1, br. 1 (1972) – god. 4, br. 8/9 (1975) (na ćirilici).
Razvitak god. 1, br. 1 (1999) (na ćirilici).
Stojnić, Bojan. Štampa i štamparije u Banjaluci (do 1941). Banjaluka: Udruženje arhivskih radnika Republike Srpske, 2006 (na ćirilici).
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