Knjižničarstvo: A Herald of Slavonia and Baranya Librarians Association ‒ From 1997 to Electronic Version


  • Svjetlana Mokriš City and University Library of Osijek, Croatia
  • Sanda Hasenay Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, Croatia



journal, electronic version, Knjižničarstvo (Librarianship)


Scientific and research papers are published primarily to disseminate author's knowledge and achievements.  Status and reputation of an author in scientific and professional community depend highly on published papers. Development of the internet and direct publishing platforms created new paradigm in scientific and professional communication. A large number of journals nowadays is published electronically. The aim of this paper is to analyze phases in the design and development of the professional and scientific journal Knjižničarstvo (Librarianship) from its beginnings when it was published only in paper format until today when it is published electronically. 


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Konjević, Sofija i Ivana Pažur. „Korištenje i prihvaćanje elektroničkih časopisa : istraživanje korisnika knjižnice Instituta ’Ruđer Bošković’”. Vjesnik bibliotekara Hrvatske 45, 3–4 (2002): 170–174.

„Kriteriji o novčanoj potpori znanstveno-izdavačkoj djelatnosti (znanstvenim i znanstveno-stručnim časopisima i časopisima za promicanje znanosti)”. (preuzeto 1. 6. 2011).

Langschied, Linda. “The Changing Shape of the Electronic Journal”. Serials Review 17, 3 (1991): 7–14, ZT1laG9zdC1saXZl#db=f5h&AN=9610293391 (preuzeto 15. 6. 2011).

Open Society Institute. „Guide to Business Planning for Launching a New Open Access Journal”. Edition 2, July 2003. (preuzeto 1. 6. 2011).

„Pravilnik o sadržaju prijave te sadržaju i načinu vođenja očevidnika nakladnika elektroničkih publikacija”, (preuzeto 15. 6. 2011).

Rich, Linda A. and Julie L. Rabine. „The changing access to electronic journals: a survey of academic library websites revisited”. Serials review 27, 3/4 (2001): 35–46.

Šember, Marijan. „Vrjednovanje biomedicinskih časopisa u otvorenom pristupu s pomoću citatnih pokazatelja”. Magistarski rad, Zagreb, 2007. (preuzeto 1. 6. 2011).



How to Cite

Mokriš, S., & Hasenay, S. . (2022). Knjižničarstvo: A Herald of Slavonia and Baranya Librarians Association ‒ From 1997 to Electronic Version. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 60(2), 29–39.