Subject Classification of “History” in the Practice Of the National Library of Serbia


  • Dragan Milošević National Library of Serbia



subject classification, heading, subject catalogue, UDC, history, uniform heading, alternative heading


Тhis work tried to show all the complexity of classification in the field of history. Certainly, the best way to present the complexity and variety of possibilities is by giving the appropriate examples, but above all by giving solutions that can satisfy the given determination, or classification of a particular work. All examples were taken from daily practice of the National Library of Serbia. History, as the bearer or as an integral part of the subject heading and the UDC number, can describe and present the publication in a good and complex way. In this paper, the possibility is presented when there is no need to explicitly show that something is “history” as the subject matter and that in this way the classifier will not “damage” the publication. Finally, examples are given how the relations of two numbers from the UDC tables can be established in the context, and thus clearly and unequivocally present the contents of a publication.


Brković, Ljiljana. Predmetna klasi]kacija – Predmetni katalog. Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 1997. (na ćirilici)

Janjetović, Ljuba. Izmena UDK tablica u grupi Istorija. Beograd: Narodna biblioteka Srbije, 2004. (preuzeto 25. 03. 2018). (na ćirilici)

Latinski citati – florilegium, adagfiorum, sententiorum, proverbiorum, gnomarum. Novi Sad: Matica srpska, 1984.



How to Cite

Milošević, D. (2022). Subject Classification of “History” in the Practice Of the National Library of Serbia. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 60(1), 45–66.