Self-Evaluation of the Work of School Librarian as a Challenge and Encouragement


  • Mirjana T. Radovanović Pejović Primary school ”Dušan Jerković“, Užice
  • Ana R. Duković Primary school ”Dušan Jerković“, Užice



self-evaluation, school librarian, evaluation outcomes, quality work, professional development


The aim of this paper is to contribute to the improvement of the work of school librarians, in order to be able to evaluate their work through objective and systematic monitoring, and by taking over new professional initiatives to improve the quality of their operations and thus increase the efficiency of total educational process in school.

Through the process of self-evaluation a librarian receives concrete testimonies that show, confirm, illustrate and document his/her weaknesses and flaws, but also emphasize the quality and good patterns of set performance targets. Accepting the methods for creative evaluation, the librarian has an opportunity to give his/her best in accordance with his/her capabilities. Using self-evaluation, a librarian estimates, develops, and accepts new professional approaches and principles, trying to find new opportunities for his/her work and set new goal for himself/herself.

The process of individual self-evaluation provides an opportunity for a librarian to perceive specific needs and create specific conditions in school library, where he/she can operate more effectively and improve the professional skills that are required. By displaying the best implemented activities, a school librarian self-actualize himself/herself. Displaying those activities that best illustrate the development and advancements, he/she exchanges with other experiential achievements that can stimulate the creative process and cooperation with colleagues, both in school among teachers and among librarians.


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How to Cite

Radovanović Pejović, M., & Duković, A. (2022). Self-Evaluation of the Work of School Librarian as a Challenge and Encouragement. The Librarian: The Journal of Theory and Practice of Librarianship, 58(1-2), 103–118.