
The editorial board of the scientific journal for the theory and practice of librarianship Bibliotekar (M52) – – invites librarians, IT specialists, conservators, archivists, bibliographers, and other interested professionals to submit their contributions, keeping in mind the structure of the journal, namely the sections: Theme, Practice (professional work, cultural and educational programs, projects, and other current activities), Chronicle (works related to the history of librarianship, library activities, and related fields), Documents (guidelines, standards, manifestos, and other documents from national and international library institutions and organizations), Reviews (publications, conferences, seminars, exhibitions).

The themes for the issues in 2025 are: The Social Roles of Public Libraries (1/2025) and Libraries and Cultural Heritage (2/2025).

We expect submissions that will address the given topic in a comprehensive or original, research-based, analytical-synthetic, or polemical manner, supporting arguments with concrete examples relevant to the domestic professional community as well as appropriate literature.

Papers should be submitted via the OJS platform ( or sent electronically to the BDS secretary at the address ( no later than April 15, 2025 (for the June issue) or September 1, 2025 (for the December issue).

The editorial board kindly asks contributors to adhere to the submission guidelines when preparing their papers, which can be downloaded from the journal's website (